Kurt Russell And Goldie Hawn’s Baby News Has Fans Gushing


Becoming a grandparent is the best thing in life. Imagine holding your baby’s baby in your hands. It makes you wonder how time flies but at the same time brings in your life the most precious gift and the sweetest “responsibility” of babysitting the bundle of joy.

Hollywood golden couple, Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn have another baby to be excited about. Looking at the tiny-tiny toes and the sweet little face of baby Rani Rose makes this grandparents jump for joy.

Instagram/Kate Hudson

The photo of them smiling wildly over Kate Hudson’s daughter melted the hearts of millions of people who got to see this picture perfect family bonding. They are casually sitting on a bed, mesmerized by their adorable granddaughter. Kate’s followers are commenting how this is the sweetest thing ever and shows the excitement and fulfillment of becoming grandparents.

Always charming Kate, added a cheeky caption along the snap teasing her parents for their latest roles of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus in Netflix’s “The Christmas Chronicles.

 “Grandma and Grandpa duty.or should I say Mr. and Mrs. Claus #IKnewIt.”

Although it’s not for the first time for Kurt and Goldie to become grandparents, the excitement is the same with every baby that becomes a part of their big family. As for this cute rosebud, it’s not surprising she has the word Rose in her name, she’s that adorable.

Instagram/Kate Hudson

It’s not a secret that most Hollywood couples only last for a couple of years, sometimes months, which makes Kurt and Goldie’s relationship of 34 years one of the rarest that lasted for so long. And what’s the secret behind this might be their love and mutual respect for each other, as well as the fact that they never tied the knot. Kate is their only child together, but they have three more children from previous marriages.

Rani Rose is their sixth grandchild, and she is the daughter of musician Danny Fujikawa and Kate’s first daughter. She has two boys, 14-year-old Ryder and 7-year-old Brigham, from previous marriages herself.

Kate will finally get to decorate a room all pink and dress her baby girl in cute lovely dresses. Below, beautiful Rani Rose is pictured wearing a sweet turban, laying on a pink blanket.

Instagram/Kate Hudson

The gorgeous baby was named Rani after her father’s late father Ron Fujikawa. Danny wanted this, and Kate loved the idea, thinking it’s a nice tribute for the man that meant so much to her husband.

Luckily, Rani Rose’s other grandfather, Kurt, is there to spoil her rotten and buy her piles of toys and dolls.

As for the other grandchildren, they love their grandparents so much that they call them Gogo and Gogi. Is there anything else Kurt and Goldie could ask for.


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