Creepy stranger attempts dragging 12-year-old into his car – boy remembers parents trick and teaches man a lesson


In today’s society, we must all be very aware, one prime example of this is a 12-year-old boy called Duncan, he was walking home from his cousin’s house and a man, who drove by in his car, tried to snatch the boy, right off the street!

It’s the worse nightmare of all parents, a terrible and grave thing when a stranger attempted to get Duncan to come closer with the promise of candy!

He really was not prepared for Duncan’s awfully clever trick, one that taught the guy a real lesson that he would not easily forget!!

Image Source: Yahoo

People that linger around schools and on the streets near schools and on school runs are not a new thing at all, sadly, trying to capture children, but parents are educating children against how to cope with these situations for a good long time now.

When this 12-year-old, Duncan, was on his way home, walking, going from his cousin’s house to his home, he felt very anxious as he passed a car that was stationary because it had a guy in the car that looked suspicious.

The guy would roll down his window and, according to the news channel, he shouted:

“Hey kid, do you want some candy?”

Not suspicious at all right? Well, Duncan was on to it…..

He straight away gave a very firm and defiant ‘No’ to the question, but the stranger did not want to simply give up there!

THe guy then stepped out of the car, walked towards the boy and apparently grabbed him by the shirt!

Image Source: Yahoo

Duncan retaliated though, he tried to drag Duncan into his car, it was then that the boy, only 12-years-young did a completely awesome trick his parents taught him to do.

Image Source: Yahoo

Duncan held a keyring tight, in between his knuckles like he remembered his parents showed him, and as the stranger turned his face he punched him with that hand.

The guy dropped in pain and shock, it was just the time duncan needed to run to a park and hide behind some rocks there, then he saw the guy drive off!

Dad Jerry said:

“There’s 1,000 different scenarios that could have gone differently”

“One little thing could have gone wrong and be a different story. We don’t even want to think about.”

Share this story with everyone you know, it could save even more children and hepk parents to educate their children, it could be the impetus to take action for their children!

Stay safe and stay vigilant too!


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