Muslim Restaurant Owner Hangs a Note Out Front About Christmas Day That’s Going Quickly Viral


When the time comes to celebrate the holidays, everyone wants a good company to share a laugh and some nice moments with. However, not everybody is lucky to be around other people.

The world is now celebrating one of the happiest seasons of the year.. Christmas is here and all the colors of red, gold and green are covering the streets, shops, houses, etc.. No matter how spirited you are, Christmas is the perfect time to show your generosity, kindness and gratitude.

These positive acts can come of anyone no matter the religion he or she belongs to. For example, this Muslim-owned Turkish restaurant in London showed in a perfect way how someone can express the true values of Christmas towards people especially those in need.

Hasan Masud, the restaurant owner, hanged out a sign about Christmas that you don’t see it everywhere during the holidays. The sign is now going super viral and gaining praise from people who have been photographing the restaurant and sharing the event.

It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you believe in, we can all take a note from Masud’s playbook!

See the restaurant owner’s touching gesture to unite different cultures this Christmas below.

A restaurant owned by a Muslim in London is offering a three-course meal to the homeless and elderly on Christmas Day to ensure that no one eats alone.

The restaurant, named Shish restaurant, sells Turkish cuisine. It is located in Bexley, London. The restaurant owner spread the word through social media to benefit maximum people.

The menu for the occasion will include starters like soup and cacik. The main course will include chicken or vegetarian casserole or chicken shish. There will be rice pudding for dessert.

“We’re just helping people,” Hasan Masud, an employee at the restaurant, told Buzzfeed. “Lots of people stay home alone for Christmas. They don’t need to. They can come here and have some fun.”

“We are here to sit with you,” owner wrote in a note about the offer posted to the restaurant window.

Since the handwritten sign went up, they have upgraded to a more official flyer.

If this doesn’t capture the Christmas spirit of giving, what does?

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