Depressed Dog Loses His Best Friend, So His Family Give Him An Awesome Surprise


Dogs are awesome, they have many talents, but among them they can sense when we are hurt or sometimes even when we are sick or have a disease, they give us unconditional love and comfort, and in fact are our best friends!

But, when we are not at home and out faithful pets stay at home they can turn to each other for cuddles and companionship.

A beautiful golden retriever called Forsberg and a stunning orange tabby named Ginger are best of friends and companions to each other.

They were ‘partners in crime’, so to speak, and had a bond so great that it was like they were born to live together, an inseparable pair!

In fact, they utterly defied the definition of the stereotypical dog and cat relationship, to the extreme.

Sadly though, one dreaded day, Ginger , having used all nine lives, died, she had cancer.

Forsberg was really very sad by his best friend dying, he was depressed and above all I think he was lonely. Everyone tried to get him out of his depression but nothing worked.

He was really missing his companion so his family decided that there was just one thing they could try to do to help him, the only solution left, to bring home a companion, a little kitten called Max.

Forsberg was so happy to have a kitten to play with, you could really see how much happier he was, the two bonded very quickly as once again he had a feline friend to snuggle with.

It’s not just Forsberg who is happy, and Max has bonded really awesomely with Forsberg too, and what a happy end to an otherwise sad situation.


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