Judges Weren’t Impressed By This Trio’s Choice of Song, But Then The Music Started


Looks can be deceiving, and when it comes to talent shows, the choice of songs too.

Three brothers that perform under the name AKNU which stands for A Kind Never Understood took the stage of X-Factor back in 2013 but the judges were a bit skeptical about their performance when they learned what song they were singing and dancing on.

They chose ‘Valerie’ because they were emotionally attached to the piece of music as it was also their mom’s name. They later said how their mother was their biggest support and sacrificed a lot for them to be able to upgrade their dancing and singing talents.

Although they were aware the start wasn’t as smooth as they expected to because of Simon’s comment that he wasn’t fond of the song, they put their hearts on the stage and gave the audience one of the best renditions of the song ever performed.

These brothers’ incredible singing skills made the crowd go crazy. Listening to them belting the lyrics made Simon smile as he knew he misjudged them in the first place.

Their out-of-this-world vocals along with their moves were enough for everyone to fall in love with them and their work. The video has been seen more than 27 million times and people agree that the performance is truly unique. Many compare them to Jackson 5 and honestly, the resemblance is uncanny.

It looks like this L.A trio was born to rock.

Take a look at them in the video below and don’t forget to share it with your friends.


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