Ride Home With Disabled Son Turns Into Mom’s ‘Worst Nightmare’


Navigating public areas isn’t always the easiest for those with physical challenges. Even though the Americans With Disabilities Act requires public places to be handicap accessible, hurdles can crop up.

Mom Monica Ward Scharrer has experienced the difficulties of traveling with her son’s heavy wheelchair. She and her son Chris love getting out and about, especially watching their favorite sports teams play, but it’s nervewracking when things don’t go as planned.

Facebook/Monica Ward Scharrer

Monica and Chris were thrilled to be able to watch a New York Rangers game, especially considering how much they love hockey. They rode the train in to town without a hitch, excited to watch the team take the ice.

They found their seats, settled in and had a great time. But it was the ride home that proved difficult for the pair – with Monica saying:

“Our worst nightmare occurred…”


When they left the game, they discovered the elevator that would take them from street level down to the Penn Station platform wasn’t working. Chris’ wheelchair weighs 350 pounds, so they desperately needed an elevator.

Monica fretted about how to get her son down to the subway and in time to catch the train home. That’s when she came across her guardian angel…

Officer Mears just so happened to be walking around the area – and was happy to lend a helping hand. It was dark out and the area was beginning to bustle with fans heading home.

Monica described the officer as a “beautiful human being.” He escorted Monica and Chris all around until they found a working elevator.

Then Officer Mears personally led the pair to the Long Island Rail Road, inquired what track they would be on and walked with them to their train platform. He even set up the ramp for Monica, giving her a delightful break.

Facebook/Love What Matters

Chris was able to board the train before the pressing throng of passengers descended upon the platform. Monica profusely thanked Officer Mears who then confessed something quite sweet to her.

“(He) told me he worked with the disabled for six years before he became a police officer and that is where his heart is. I can’t say enough about how wonderful this officer was to my son and I. He essentially moved a mountain for us! I love this man and what he represents of humanity.”

Shortly after Monica decided to post her story on the Love What Matters Facebook page, which has been shared more than 1,300 times.

What a blessing Officer Mears was to this mom and her son in their time of need! Sometimes it’s the little acts of kindness that mean the most – and there certainly are a lot of officers making a difference in this world.


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