Shy boy gets standing ovations with Celine Dion hit


Talent shows never cease to amaze us because they prove us over and over again that ordinary people with special skills and talents do get the chance to shine and leave the world speechless.

The Voice Kids, the Belgian edition, brings us an incredible moment of a shy boy who took the stage and looked around in confusion. But it only took him a line of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” for all the three judges to press their buzzers and see the boy with the voice of an angel.

13-year-old Abu stole the hearts of everyone in the room and got standing ovations.

I believe that no one really expected for such energy and emotion to come from such a young man.

We all knew this would be a night to remember for Abu and his family at the backstage who were keeping their fingers crossed when two of the judges started smiling widely.

Josje Huisman and Laura Tesoro knew they were witnessing a star being born.

Their facial expressions spoke louder than words and showed their amazement in a perfect manner.

All the tree judges were now facing Abu who smiled back at them as a thank you for turning towards him.

The family couldn’t hide their excitement when they realized the crowd and the judges loved what their little boy had to show on that stage.

People were cheering as Abu sang along. He added his own touch to the song and it sounded perfectly.

At this point, judges were clapping and singing and they all hoped this little music prodigy would pick them to be in their team.

As the performance continued, everyone was even more convinced Abu is a star in the making.

At the end of the powerful performance, judge Sean Dhondt ran onto the stage and sat cross-legged in front of the artist, showing his admiration.

The video of Abu singing on the show has been seen more than 23 million times since it was first posted in April 2017.

Well, he didn’t end up winning the competition but we are sure that if he decides to pursue a career as a singer one day, his name will quickly become famous in the industry. Because with such talent one wouldn’t expect anything less than huge popularity.

Take a look at the performance below and make sure you share it with your friends.


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