Sleepy Baby Boy Melts Nurses Heart At Appointment


Going to the doctor isn’t fun no matter how old you are. Stopping everything you’re doing, packing into the car and sitting in a waiting room for what seems like forever – just to be poked and prodded by someone in a big white jacket. No, thank you! So when it came time for Mom to take Baby into the doctor’s office, she expected a fight. If she didn’t enjoy the doctor’s office as an adult, it was safe to assume he didn’t want to be there either. But when the nurse began the appointment by checking Baby’s vital signs, Mom was shocked by how he responded…


Checkups are an important part of childhood – and getting the information about your child’s physical, mental and emotional progress is an essential part of being a parent! That’s why Mom knew she had to schedule a checkup for her little one. After weighing him and checking his temperature, it was time for the nurse to evaluate Baby’s heartbeat. The cold stethoscope usually made her patients coil up, but this little boy was different! Instead of shrinking away from the cool metal, he focused on her warm skin and bright smile!


With a grin spread across his own face, Baby leaned over and rested his head on the nurse’s arm. Her calming presence was all he needed to forget the strange room and chilly tools! This sweet video is proof that nurses are the unsung heroes in the medical industry. Their demeanor has the power to turn a scary appointment into a cuddlefest, a painful procedure into a fun game or a heartbreaking moment into one of growth and love! Watch this adorable little one curl up on his nurse’s arm below. Thank goodness Mom was able to catch this all on her camera!


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