Woman Surprised By Mom’s House Picture On Google Maps


Parents are those people who make sure we never get off the right track. They are our support, and as long as they are part of our life, we know we have someone to rely on whenever we feel the need.

That is why the loss of a parents is one of the most devastating things one can experience. When they are gone, we feel empty for a very long time, and coping with the grief is not easy.

However, we will always have the memories that will remind us of the beautiful moments we got to share with our loving moms and dads.

A woman from Florida who lost her mom has an unusual story to share.

Denise Underhill grew up in the small town of Tamworth in Staffordshire, England. However, after her beloved mother passed, she felt she had to change something in her life so she moved to the sunny state of Florida.

But being away from her home town didn’t stop her from thinking about that old house on Chaytor Road where she spent the best years of her life, together with her family that she dearly missed.

Recently, Denise felt really nostalgic for the good old days, so she grabbed her computer to look up for her mom’s house on Google Earth. But what she never though was that she will get a pleasant surprise that will deeply touch her heart.

Flickr/Elliott Brown

The house didn’t belong to the family any longer, so Denise knew it may not look the same as she remembers it, but then the photo of the place popped up on the screen it left Denise completely stunned.

“I got the BIGGEST surprise EVER! I just couldn’t believe it. At the foot of the driveway was my mother. She was watering the garden, just as she always did. I was absolutely astounded – it made my day.”

Screenshot via Google Earth

The photo was taken while Denise’s mother was still alive and they failed to update it ever since. The old lady could be seen working around her garden, as she would do while she was still there. And while some find this surprise spooky, it was the sweetest thing ever for Denise.

“You never know what photos are being taken but they really do last a lifetime … I think someone wanted me to see this.”

As life goes on and we sometimes lose the ones we love the most along the way, we are glad we have the pictures and the memories we carry in our hearts to remind us of their presence and what they meant to us.


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